Death Skullz

Death Skullz

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Scrap Heap

Well i'm going to a friends house this weekend and we are gonna play a carnage 1000 pts game.
Carnage games = king of the hill to me.
I decided to build a Ork hill.......


  1. Oooohhhh me likey that!

    Need to work some of the Ork stuff you have into our campaign. We should use the refinery tomorrow!

    How about, Orks have captured (and converted) an imperial refinery, as their heavy machinery has started to run out of gas. A strike force (1000 pts) has been sent to destroy it, but ohhh noes, the orks have enough gas to get their walkers up!! (Mangled metel sound ensues)

  2. That sounds awe -some Scrappa gonna get da boyz stirred up !
